Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning Types 

The concept of experiential learning is rooted in learning through doing. It is through this practice that students get a better grasp of transitioning skills learned from the classroom to the career field. 

  • Co-Curricular Learning 
    Activities related to course curriculum; ex. Public Speakers, Panels
  • Extra-Curricular 
    Activities that foster student involvement and strengthen the culture of the institution; ex. Clubs, Student Organization, Interest Group, Sports
  • Field Experience 
    Activities related to career application; ex. Internships, Practicums​, Job Shadowing
  • Service Learning/Community Service 
    Guided service activities related to instruction; ex. Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity  


Experiential Learning Forms & Instructions

Funding Request Form

SAC employees & student clubs can apply to request funding to sponsor experiential learning projects and/or events by submitting the Student Activity Fee Funding Application. 

Student-Initiated Step Instructions

Students completing experiential projects/events on their own can follow the outlined steps to self-submit for experiential learning credit. 

ALAMOEXPERIENCE Transcript InstructionsThe AlamoExperience transcript showcases your non-academic involvement. Students can print this out and use it when updating their resumes or applying for jobs. 

Experiential Learning Awarding Process MapHere is an overview of our experiential learning awarding process. 










  • Alamo On The Job

    As an Alamo on the Job paid intern, you can expect to gain hands-on career experience with job shadowing, assisting and contributing to a team project, career training to increase your skill set, an assigned mentor, and networking opportunities. 

    Alamo On The Job Application Link

    Parker Dewey

    Unlike traditional internships, Parker Dewey Micro-Internships can take place year-round, typically range from 5 to 40 hours of work, and are due between one week and one month after kick-off. Micro-Internships are used by companies ranging from those in the Fortune 100 to emerging start-ups and go across departments including sales, marketing, technology, HR, and finance.

    Parker Dewy Webpage

    Grow with Google HSI Career Readiness Program 

    SAC students can earn a $25 HEB gift card by completing 5 Grow with Google modules.

    1. Login to Skillshop & Complete the following 5 Modules
      1. Build your digital skills
      2. Explore career paths
      3. Land a great job
      4. Succeed at your new job
      5. Start your own business
    2. Complete the survey & Visit Moody Learning Center 107 for card pickup (Schedule an appointment by emailing sac-sec@dandick.net)



    Internhubsa Webpage

  • Google Professional Certificates

    Students can earn free Google Professional Certificate in the following areas

    • Data Science & Analysis
    • IT, Cloud Computing & Cybersecurity
    • Marketing, Sales & Business
    • Software Development & Product Design


    Develop with Dell

    Enter Develop with Dell: A free program supported by our college and university partners to provide you with the knowledge to get in on the ground floor of tech. This blended learning experience, consisting of on-demand and virtual sessions, takes approximately 10-12 weeks to complete. It offers two specialty tracks you can choose from that represents tech's most in-demand entry level careers: sales and technical support.

    LinkedIn Learning Through BiblioTech

    The BiblioTech LinkedIn Learning App offers courses in business, technology, and creative skills, all taught by experts. If you choose to, you can publish certificates earn through LinkedIn Learning to your LinkedIn profile.

    Google Conference Scholarships

    To help break down the barriers that prevent  groups in technology and business from attending leading conferences, Google Conference Scholarships offers scholarships for selected conferences in the tech industry and related fields.